John Waters once said, "If you go home with someone and they don't have books, don't fuck them."
These are my books.
- Mr. Natural by Robert Crumb - Collection of R. Crumb’s comics about mystic guru and general goof Mr. Natural. I bought it because he’s dressed like a wizard on the front. Also, I love Mr. Natural’s cantankerous and confusing responses to anxious everyman Flakey Foont’s requests to “Tell me what it all means, man!”
- Wizard Tales - I bought this book from a vendor on the street. I haven’t read it.
- Gnomes by WiIl Huygen (author) and Rien Poortvliet (artist) - This is a best selling Dutch children’s book about gnomes and how they live. It’s presented like a non-fiction study of gnomes and has amazingly detailed illustrations about their clothing, customs, and vegetarian diet. Might be before your time, but this was the basis for the David the Gnome cartoon series that aired on Nickelodeon in the early nineties.
- One Simple Idea by Mitch Horowitz - Traces the roots of “positive thinking” and Law of Attraction belief systems like The Secret from their occult roots up through the 20th century. These ideas are now so common in advertising (Think Nike’s “Just Do It”), it’s wild to learn about how they entered our cultural vocabulary.
- The Prosperous Coach by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler - One of the better books I read in my "wizard as a life coach" phase, but it's still a lot of generic self-help hype.
- Solution-Focused Coaching by Anthony M. Grant and Jane Greene
- Damn Good Advice by George Lois
- The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan
- Feed by M.T. Anderson - An amazing young adult sci-fi novel about a near future where kids grow up with Internet in their brains. It came out in the early 2000s and it's scary how well it predicts our fucked up modern world.
- Illuminatus trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea - Kind of like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for psychedelic stoners.
- Shockwave Rider by John Brunner
- Glasshouse by Charles Stross - Possibly my favorite science fiction book of all time. It imagines a distant post-human future and then has a character agree to live in a study simulating the late 20th/early 21st century. A total mind warp.
- Accelerando by Charles Stross - This came before Glasshouse, but I read it after. Even more mind bending, it takes us from the near future to a post-singularity world where AI superconsciousness has started dismantling the solar system and turned all matter into a cloud of nano computers around the sun!
- The Unreasoning Mask by Philip Jose Farmer - A very trippy science fiction classic. I love the cover art so much.
- Future Magic by Robert Forward [NOT READ]
- Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut
- The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda - I haven't finished this, but I'm trying to read it slowly and work on lucid dreaming. I guess people don't really believe Carlos Castaneda based his books on an actual Don Juan, but they're still really fun reads.
- Welcome to the Magic Theater
- Random poetry zines
- Future Sex by Emily Witt [NOT READ]
- Sexual Pleasure by Barbara Keesling [NOT READ]
- Anal Pleasure & Health: A Guide for Men and Women by Jack Morin [NOT READ]
- The Multi Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia
- Extended Massive Orgasm by Steve Bodansky and Vera Bodansky - A very different approach to sexuality, focused on the ideas of taking turns taking over another person's nervous systems. The authors came from this hippy commune, which is also where One Taste comes from (except they're a Silicon Valley cult version of it)
- Secrets of Western Sex Magic by Frater U.D. [NOT READ]
- The Kabbalah Book of Sex by Yehuda Berg - This is like Kabbalah for babies. A lot of the ideas are interesting but Kabbalah is very against having anything to do with menstruating women.
- 25,000 Years of Erotic Freedom by Alan Moore - Another Alan Moore essay that changed my life. You can read it here.
- Tantra Illuminated by Christopher D. Wallis - This book blew my mind. A very readable, yet well researched, look at the philosophical schools of tantra, which are way more mystic than they are about sex.
- Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion by Oliver Grau [NOT READ]
- The Structure of Magic by Richard Bandler and John Grinder - This and the two books below are about NLP, or "neuro-linguistic programming." These guys had a huge influence on modern hypnosis. Some of their stuff is amazing, some is culty and over-hyped.
- Trance-formations by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
- Frogs into Princes by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
- Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space by Robert Masters and Jean Houston - After LSD research was banned in the 1960s, these altered states explorers started using group hypnosis games instead. John Lennon was such a fan he wrote a song!
- The Mind Play Study Guide by Wiseguy
- The Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism by Ormond McGill - This was one of the first hypnosis books I bought. It's very dated but I secretly want to do a wizard hypnosis show using these techniques.
- Everything you need to know to enhance the sexual response with hypnosis but didn't know whom to ask by C.J. Mozzochi - I found this in a giant bookstore and had to get it. It gives a very lame hypnotic induction with the suggestion to have better sex, then offers a few scripts for making non-sexual self-hypnosis tapes.
- Games People Play by Eric Berne
- Intimacies by Adam Phillips and Leo Bersani
- Uncharted: Big Data as a Lens on Human Culture by Erez Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel - These guys pioneered searching for word frequency in Google's massive repository of books as a way to track trends over time. Very cool stuff.
- Grouped: How Small Groups of Friends are the Key to Influence on the Social Web by Paul Adams [NOT READ]
- Surprise: Embrace the Unpredictable and Engineer the Unexpected by Tania Luna and LeeAnn Renninger - Both of these authors do trainings at my work and their book blew me away. Basically, everything I'd been calling magic they explain as the science of surprise. I love this book so much.
- Introduction to the Family Systems Model by Richard C. Schwartz
- The Shape of Things by Bruce Sterling [NOT READ]
- Supernatural Strategies for Forming a Rock n Roll Group by Ian Svenonious - Ian is a musician and was the first rockstar I interviewed as a journalist. He's also a genius and his writing is incredible.
- Metamorphoses by Ovid [NOT READ]
- The Grand Design by Leonard Mlodinow and Stephen Hawking
- Microcosmos by Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan [NOT READ}
- Jerusalem by Alan Moore [NOT FINISHED]
- Personal notebooks
- The Cartoon History of the Universe vol. 2 by Larry Gotnick - I had the first volume growing up and would pick it up and read different sections over and over. I often think that's what gave me a taste for humorous "big picture" histories.
- Rites by John Cafferata
- Lapham's Quarterly: Magic Shows - This is a fancy magazine this old rich guy puts out where he picks a theme and then includes all sorts of writing on it, from modern essays to ancient Greek philosophers.
- The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan [NOT READ]
- Breaking the Spell by Daniel Dennett - I'm currently reading this. Daniel Dennett is a "new atheist" and can have a very materialist view, but his theories about how religions evolve as memes is amazing.
- The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell [NOT READ]
- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu - A friend gave me this when I was visiting Austin. I kept it in my backpack and read it over and over on the subway for months.
- You are the Eyes of the World by Longchenpa - I bought this because I love the Grateful Dead song. This book isn't as good as that song.
- Myth and Religion by Alan Watts
- Language and Myth by Ernst Cassirer [NOT READ]
- The Vision of James by Stephen C. Rowe (editor) - A collection of William James' writing. Everything I've read by him I've loved, but I still need to sit down and read The Varieties of Religious Experience.
- Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das - This is probably my favorite Buddhism book. Lama Surya Das is a chill guy from Long Island who went and became a lama in the 1970s. Very accessible.
- A Guide for the Perplexed by E. F. Schumacher
- Quantum Psychology by Robert Anton Wilson - I don't own Prometheus Rising cause I kept giving my copy away, but this is the sequel. A great breakdown of how we're actually living in fake worlds we create in our heads.
- Sex, Drugs, and Magick by Robert Anton Wilson - More fun musings my RAW about my favorite topics.
- Cannabis and Spirituality by Stephen Gray (editor) [NOT READ]
- Brain Magick by Philip H. Farber [NOT READ]
- Magic Tricks & Card Tricks
- Confessions of a Conjuror by Derren Brown - Have I mentioned Derren Brown before? He's great. A true wizard.
- Tricks of the Mind by Derren Brown
- 13 Steps to Mentalism by Corinda
- Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo - I'm still trying to learn coin magic, but it's a pain in the ass! I ended up getting a DVD so I could actually understand the moves in this book.
- My Life as a Miracle by the Wizard - The autobiography of a guy who moved to New Zealand and became the wizard of a small town. Very inspiring. His ideas don't always line up with mine, but his approach to life blew me away. I didn't know he existed until after I became a wizard.
- Wizards: A History by P.G. Maxwell-Stuart - A great well-researched, but not overly dense, history on the occult and the various figures we've called magus or wizard over the years.
- The Wizards Way by Tobias Beckwith - Another one I found after becoming a wizard, he's a theater guy who produced this magician Jeff McBride, who got into New Age-y transformation stuff. Again, it blew my mind how similar this guy's idea of a modern wizard is to the stuff I came up with on my own.
- Wizard of 4th Street series by Simon Hawke - Paperback fantasy fluff I got because the cover illustrator did this amazing image. It'll be very cool when I pop up for "subway wizard" searches too. ;)